See why Product Biz Bosses are Going Crazy Over 101+ Content Ideas

101+ Content Ideas Beyond the Discount
[2024 Holiday Edition]

**Expanded and Updated**


The first-ever content marketing plan designed to help you grow your customer base and increase your product sales.

 Without Spending a Single Dollar on Ads!

101+ HOLIDAY CONTENT IDEAS Beyond the Discount is YOUR shortcut to creating a marketing strategy for the 2024 holiday season so that you can create content that successfully resonates with your customers during the busiest season of the year and gets you loyal customers that actually buy from you!


2024 Holiday Edition

Made Specifically for Product-Based Business Owners

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This is your PERSONAL invitation from Jacqueline 

Founder of The Product Boss Podcast -- a podcast dedicated to all the essential things a product boss need to know to rock their business. (Oh, and it's a Top 100 Business Podcast on Apple Podcasts, no big). 



 ...are you ready?

As a product-based business owner, you know that connecting with customers on social media and in their inbox during the 2024 holiday season is the key to reaching more potential customers, connecting with existing customers, and increasing your business bottom line.
But wait you may be thinking, sounds great, but this is my busiest time of year, I don't have time to come up with content!

(Especially when you’re dealing with shipping, manufacturing, inventory, and customer service - it’s a ton of decisions.)

Don’t worry friends I've got you covered this holiday season!
You get Content Ideas for the ENTIRE Holiday Season!

It’s your shortcut to an effective holiday content marketing strategy, so you can enjoy your pumpkin pie as your sales roll in.


101+ Content Ideas Beyond the Discount

A bundle of content prompts, tools, hashtags, templates, scripts, and video training that helps you create marketing content to reach out to your customers beyond just offering discounts.

For your most profitable Holiday Season, it’s necessary to think, create, and generate revenue beyond the discount. That’s how small businesses (including yours) will stand out this year.

101+ Holiday Content Ideas Beyond the Discount is perfect for you if:

  • You want to avoid the brain fatigue of coming up with creative and successful holiday content you need to generate revenue in your social media and email.
  • You want to effectively start the snowball of sales, even if your business is just starting.
  • You want to show up with holiday content that grabs your customer’s attention and hits them at the right time.
  • You want to take advantage of the biggest buying time of year and cushion your business bottom line.
  • You would love to connect with your customers without always feeling like you need to offer a discount or a sale.

Our “101+ Content Ideas Beyond the Discount” helps you create content to reach out to your customers before and beyond discounts!

What's included?

Peek Inside 101+ Holiday Content Ideas Beyond the Discount!

Learn the 3 C’s Marketing Content Formula - my framework to help you approach content to create product sales and traffic. It gives value to your customers and generates engagement to turn them into loyal raving fans.

Holiday content ideas for product-based businesses that are outside the typical discount offerings? I share over 101 content prompts and hashtags to guide you through the holiday season. You can use these prompts in your e-mail, video, social media posts - anywhere you want to create short-term or long-term content.

Done-For-You 3-Month Marketing Calendar with daily marketing prompts to guide and inspire you to show up for your customers. This year, more than ever, delivering value and sharing content that creates a bond will ensure your customers continue to buy from you.

Video scripts that you can customize and use to authentically connect with your customers. ​I share five easy, plug-and-play video scripts that you can use during the holiday season to show up online. You can just swipe the script, adjust for your product and business, and create videos that generate authentic relationships and sales with your customers.

Give yourself the freedom and knowledge you need so you can stop flying by the seat of your pants and have an actionable plan scheduled into your calendar. You no longer need to worry about what to say to your customers this holiday season.

Simply put... Here's the nitty gritty of what you'll get.

101+ Content Prompts and Hashtags to be used on Social Media, in Emails, Blogs, and in Live Videos

3-Months of Editable Calendars Filled with Daily Content Ideas for Marketing in Q4

5 Holiday "Plug-and-Play" Scripts that will help you show up easily on video to stand out from the "Big Guys" and your competition.

My 3 C’s of Content Framework for Product-Based Businesses

Plus these 3 bonuses...

Monthly Checklists for 2024 Holidays to inspire Content and Calendar Prompts

The Easiest Way to have a “12 Days of Holiday Sales” + "Cyber Month" Sale Worksheet

An Email Sale + Promotion Checklist to Keep You Organized

Now, sit back, sip your Pumpkin Spice Latte, and imagine a world where...

  • Creating content for the holidays is not only easy, but it's also fun! You have a plan for the holidays and know exactly what to say, when to say it, and you feel empowered to engage in a way that drives more sales.
  • You can increase sales beyond the discount. No more ONLY offering discounts and sales this holiday season. People buy from your business because they believe in YOUR story, message, and product.
  • You’re proud of your online presence. Whether it's on Insta stories, a blog, your weekly newsletter, or emails -- you're confident in how you show up and tell your story! Stand out from the crowd.
  • ​Ideal customers discover and buy from you. Your story deeply resonates with your perfect customers, the ones you LOVE to interact with, and who BUY your products again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and...

(No need to put this on Santa’s List, this is my gift to you!)

What I've heard:

"Thank you so much, Jacqueline...I had no idea where to start or even what to say, now I feel so ready for my holiday sales..."

Trust me. Save yourself the time and hassle this busy holiday season. You’ll create a marketing content plan you can take to the bank.

101+ Holiday Content Ideas Beyond the Discount

A marketing plan created for the 2024 Holiday Season designed to help product-based businesses easily create engaging, sales-driving content for social, videos, emails, and MORE! 

It’s like having a team of elves who helped you create a content plan designed for the holidays with EVERYTHING you need for the ENTIRE 4th quarter of 2024.

And, who am I again? 


I'm Jacqueline Snyder and I'm the founder of The Product Boss Podcast.
Through masterminds, group coaching, and online courses, I help product-based female business owners scale their businesses from start-up conception to multi-million dollar companies!

Whether you're a startup, 6-figure business, or millionaire mama, my goal is to help you step into your role as a leader and create the product-based business -- and life -- of your dreams.

I believe a business shouldn't be built alone. Together we can all rise and thrive!

Don’t wait! This holiday season set yourself up with the content plan that helps you connect deeply with your customers for your most profitable Q4 ever!

Imagine not having to rack your brain on what to say/write/create for your customers during the busiest time of year for product business owners.

(Psst! Because your holiday content plan is already created and you will have FUN doing it.)

And the best part? You don’t need to build a MASSIVE following or customer base to see success. You just have to understand what content you need to create in order to go beyond the discount to generate revenue at the most important time of year for product owners: the holiday season.

Don’t believe me? Here’s the proof:

  • One of my clients hit a 6-figure month thanks to amazing engagement in her emails. (She only has 15k followers on Instagram.)
  • Another client built a 3.5 million dollar business with only a little over 40k followers on Instagram. She shows up daily and crushes it. 
  • Think Insta is the only way to build a brand? One of my clients grew her business to $250k by showing up weekly on Facebook with a live show featuring her products.

Sold? I thought so. Content is HOW you’ll go beyond the discount to continue to build trust and grow a loyal customer base that will buy from your brand over and over again - even after the holidays.

We’ve put an end to all of this content struggle, right here and now - no buts about it!

In fact, we created the Three C’s of Content to help make it

Because your content is too important to ignore a second longer:

  • Content is necessary to stand out in today's competitive marketplace. You CAN'T grow a product based biz without it. Period.
  • ​Content is your #1 tool to connect with your customer without always yelling: "buy now" or "sale today."
  • Content allows you to tell your unique brand story, build awareness, and create loyal fans -- whether or not you’re the face of the brand.
  • Content allows you to build an audience you OWN. Unlike relying on the whims of Amazon or Etsy. (So if you're looking to get off those platforms, -- you NEED to up your content game.)
  • Content allows you to attract your ideal customer (if you're doing it right).

TRUTH BOMB: Creating content does not have to be so hard.

It does not need to be a time-sucking nightmare

Get started today!

  • Our 3 C’s of Content Framework for Product-Based Businesses
  • 101+ Content Prompts and Hashtags to be used on Social Media, in Emails, Blogs, and in Live Videos
  • ​3-Months of Editable Calendars Filled with Daily Content Ideas for Marketing in Q4
  • 5 Holiday "Plug-and-Play" Scripts that will help you show up easily on video to stand out from the "Big Guys" and your competition.
  • Monthly Checklists for 2024 Holidays to inspire Content and Calendar Prompts
  • ​The Easiest Way to have a “12 Days of Holiday Sales” + "Cyber Month" Sale Worksheet
  • ​An Email Sale + Promotion Checklist to Keep You Organized

Fact: many product businesses make most of their revenue during the holiday season. In actuality, creating the right content can help set you up for the entire year, because your content reinforces your customer loyalty to buy - now and (oftentimes) forever.

That's why I devised 101+ Holiday Content Ideas Beyond the Discount, so product bosses can build their business for the long-term and create the business they want. I want to help you make sure your holiday content is not only effective but easy.

Plus, I'm making it...


Instead of its regular price of $297,
I'm going to practically give it away…

for $37

101+ Holiday Content Ideas is Perfect for you if you...

  • Sell a physical product? (I did NOT make this content for service-based businesses or course creators.)
  • Struggle with what to say to stand out online OR are new to the game?
  • ​Love creating content and just want some fresh ideas?
  • ​Feel ready to move on from Etsy or Amazon and OWN your audience?

This is NOT for you if...

  • You do not sell a physical product.
  • You are not willing to show up and do the work.
  • You have a million excuses as to why this won't work for you.
  • You don’t believe that increasing your visibility will increase your sales.
  • ​You don’t want to build a relationship with your potential and current customers.

This is Perfect, I want this!

101+ Content Ideas Beyond the Discount

Regular Price = $297

Today's Price = $37

A few more love notes from some of Product Boss clients:

“This has put a fire under my butt, and I am so thankful for this program!

I am making an entire "thread" of graphics for deals and promotions. I am so excited for this season, instead of dreading it like I was before."

- Amanda Rose Rauktys
Anjel Rose Photography

"I was so overwhelmed and didn't know what I should focus on/do first.

The step by step guidance, focusing on small chunks of progress, has been incredibly helpful and stress relieving." 

- Ann Gardner

"So great, extremely helpful in coming up with ideas.

Thanks so much for this. I'm starting to email my customers because I finally feel good about what I'm sending out." 

- Jaime Lehman

A few more love notes from some of our clients:

“This has put a fire under my butt, and I am so thankful for this program! I am making an entire "thread" of graphics for deals and promotions. I am so excited for this season, instead of dreading it like I was before."

- Amanda Rose Rauktys

"I felt so overwhelmed, but I am already feeling so much more prepared."

- Brittany Naylor

"I was so overwhelmed and didn't know what I should focus on/do first. The step by step guidance, focusing on small chunks of progress, has been incredibly helpful and stress relieving."

- Ann Gardner

I believe you can do this.
But if you’re on the fence, that’s okay.

If you’re not 100% satisfied with the video trainings, prompts, or the extras after 7 days, I will offer you a full refund, for any reason.

Take a full 7 days to explore the materials and decide if 101+ Holiday Content Ideas Beyond the Discount is right for your biz. If you don't love it, just let my team know. But I'm THAT confident you're going to love it. 

No, I can’t make any guarantees in terms of growing your followers, list, profits, or revenue, but I can give you a competitive edge and save you time, money, and stress. There are so many tough decisions business owners need to make. I thought I should make at least one of them easy.

A Final Note from Jacqueline,

The truth is, I created this product because I believe in you. I know you’re juggling a million things and wearing one (or eight) too many hats. 

But I also know creating content doesn't need to be one of those struggles. It can be a part of your business that you look forward to and LOVE. 

By using 101+ Holiday Content Ideas, you can make 2024 your best year yet without adding hours and hours to your already busy season. I'm all about making a massive impact with a teeny effort - in a really important money-making time: the holidays.

Creating content for your audience is one of the easiest, fastest, and most enjoyable ways to grow your product-based business. You just need a little nudge in the right direction.

Let me be that nudge. 


Ready to Crush it this 2024 Holiday Season?

Regular Price = $297

Today's Price = $37

A’s for your Q’s:
What kind of business is 101+ Holiday Content Ideas Beyond the Discount for?
Any business that sells physical products. Even if you sell on Etsy or Amazon or are in Direct Sales, 101+ Holiday Content Ideas is perfect for you!
How is 101+ Holiday Content Ideas different from other content calendars?
This is made specifically for the 2024 Holiday Season. This is also the ONLY content support specifically made for product-based businesses by product business experts. Sure, You could download prompts for coaches, service-based industries, or influencers, but half the prompts won't apply, and you'll need to adapt the rest to fit your business. Product-based businesses need an entirely different approach!
What's precisely inside 101+ Holiday Content Ideas?
Three months of done-for-you calendars filled with content prompts, 3 training workshops (video and audio format), 101+ content prompts, hashtag suggestions, brainstorming worksheets, and more!
Where can I use these content prompts?
The done-for-you prompts are the perfect inspiration for creating posts on social media, to go live with, writing emails, or blogs. Never worry about not knowing what to say again. There are so many ideas here you will feel inspired and ready to take action.
Is the content available immediately?
Yes! Once you hit the buy button and fill in your credit card info, you’ll receive an email that will take you directly to all the content. Instant access for the win!

Get 101+ Holiday Content Ideas Beyond the Holiday Discount while I continue to sell it at the insanely low price of $37. (Yep, you’re not seeing things, it’s that affordable.)

  • My 3 C’s of Content Framework for Product-Based Businesses
  • 101+ Content Prompts and Hashtags to be used on Social Media, in Emails, Blogs, and in Live Videos
  • ​3-Months of Editable Calendars Filled with Daily Content Ideas for Marketing in Q4
  • 5 Holiday "Plug-and-Play" Scripts that will help you show up easily on video to stand out from the "Big Guys" and your competition.
  • Monthly Checklists for 2024 Holidays to inspire Content and Calendar Prompts
  • ​The Easiest Way to have a “12 Days of Holiday Sales” + "Cyber Month" Sale Worksheet
  • ​An Email Sale + Promotion Checklist to Keep You Organized

Regular Price = $297

Today's Price = $37

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DISCLAIMER: While these techniques and our trainings can make you successful without having existing experience, this is not an employment opportunity. It is NOT a way to create wealth without work.  101 Content Ideas, this opportunity is implementation of information. I'm only sharing what has worked for us and our clients. Your results are entirely dependent on your attitude, work ethic, and the quality of your business. If you are NOT interested in doing whatever it takes, PLEASE DO NOT SIGN UP. 

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